Saturday, January 15, 2011


The snow-sand fields were silent. Deserted, for certainly the Whispering Winds had warned inhabitants of the battle. It was, in fact, the same winds that alerted the Native tribes! The Tetop Force was joined by more and more Natives, until they nearly matched the Goldens. Clint, of course, morphed into the Sand comfortably this time, as we sifted through the swallowing grains. There, the borderline we had finally reached. The Sand we stood, the sun relaxing our fearful bodies, and waited. There, just in the sky, a unit of black dots circling the snow. Their cries gave them away – the Crows!

Queen Katerose, as well as her brother, turned to their armies, to us. Katerose whipped out her weapon – a slob sword made of mystifying gold. It had been melted and mixed with her glitter, and therefore a mesmerizing blade. All who looked at it felt entranced, for surely that was the point, and it would work itself dutifully against our enemies. Mact’s golden helmet nearly masked his entire face, yet the crown symbolized his status. He raised his skinny sword of gold, and shouted, “My friends, my great friends! Think not of death or injury, yet of the sun. Of the warmth you feel in this moment, and the warmth you will feel with this victory. I love you all!” I busted up laughing, which was surely insulting initially, but I could not keep myself steady with such dramatic motivation. Soon, we all began to laugh, even the Natives who hardly smiled for it was myth that smiles welcomed disease (who knows!?). Anyways, we all started laughing so boldly, it was just as powerful as a battlecry. Sethicus and Gabriella quickly exchanged a grinning glance, and he rode up beside her. They shared a quick, quite public, kiss, and Clint was not happy about it, let’s just say. He huffed like an assho.

The sounds of trumpets, or some warning horn, scattered our thoughts. For there, just at the top of the snow mound, was the beginning of the black North. Like small dots they swarmed and swarmed until it was an overgrown shadow in the land. There, the North waited in the snow, us in the sand. Suddenly, our laughter vanished. Gabreilla parted from Sethicus and turned. She could see her sister before anyone else. And oh, how much had changed! The Twins turned back to face their opponents as my Red Queen gifted me my flame sword, as well as Davidio’s flaming arrows. “CHARGE!” the twins cried together, and with that, we began, slowly and ever-so-building, to charge.

Queen Carmiella snorted at the charging army, and swiftly turned to her side. “Ride fast, my Love. Kill all you can!” Mccullolt nodded and took off! He led the WHITE RIDERS to the attack, but of course the velocity of his horse speared him down the slope much quicker than the others. Instead of a full wall of attack, Queen Carmiella directed first her right side forces, then her left, and then the middle (which is where she was centered) would charge.

The Left was under KiKeck and her carriage, which at the time was such a ridiculous mystery.

The rest is very hard for me to explain, for not only is it damaging to recount on, it was so quick and so clustered, I could only remember bits of it.

In our sudden charge, Clint suddenly blasted into a loud red! Much to the surprise of everyone, for those who knew of Clint’s powers assumed he’d return to his original ice. Anyways, when our forces plummeted into the right flank where Mccullot led, it was a blur! A clash so loud and mighty, I nearly lost control of my Rebecca.

The White Riders (for now, the CAPS is not needed) were a sudden failure. The supposed “unbreakable” ice spell was not properly designed, and so with one surge of blue flame from Queen Gabriella’s staff, the entirety of McCullot’s aides vanquished to pouring water. The Natives have always been seriously thirsty for some blood, and so raced in front of the others. Circling McCullot! Watching, and chirping. We stopped, all of us, after finishing up some drifting opponents. Suddenly, McCullot dismounted and all went silent. The only sound was the discomfort of the horses (for it was too cold for them, yes—they’re quite the divas). McCullot pulled back his hood, and parted his cloak to reveal two, yes, two blades: both of shiny white steel. The Natives slowly approached, the rest of us content with playing audience for this sure execution. They were still mounted, and there had to be forty or so of them surrounding him. They drew back their arrows licked by the poison plants, and aimed. Then! A great cry from above! Just as we turned to the sky, those giant crows swooped down and crashed into the Natives! Some gripped them with their razor talons and lifted them to the sky, dropping them to their deaths from great heights. Others slashed them dead with one swipe! Within seconds, the Great Crows had destroyed the fencing Natives. Other tribes, desperate to help their comrades, sprinted whilst throwing their spears at McCullot. They missed of course, but he didn’t. Strike, slice. Handfuls went down, with fresh blood soaking the snow and his pale face.

We heard the chilling laughter thunder from Queen Carmiellia followed by a hasty horn. The Left Flank was descending the Hill.

“We must attack now! Rebecca, Go!” Katerose screamed! The Natives focused on redemption for those slaughtered by the Crows, and wasted their arrows on the fleeting flock.

KiKeck wheeled the carriage, and suddenly, the top of it was pulled back oddly. And there standing inside were all these clear balls. Men dressed in black cloth teamed together to lift these things (for they were filled with clear heavy liquid) and dropped them to the snow! They rolled into our charging forces, and just then, when one knocked into a small unit of soldiers, there was a great white burst, so blinding nothing could be seen for a split second! When sight was restored, there had been an ice explosion and there, standing statued in their positions were the soldiers all captured by ice! Frozen just as they were, like pieces of an elaborate garden showroom.

The crows continued to descend upon us, beaking at us savagely. It was a pesty annoyance, and when one targeted Queen Katerose, we knew those damn things had to be taken out! Yes, just before one was to swipe up Katerose, Domino lunged himself into her, toppling her to the safety of the snowground.

Of course, it goes without documenting – we were all fighting in our own rights. And although, I do not particularly recall every instance, just keep in mind that during this whole account, things are happening. People are dying, getting injured.

Queen Gabriella looked to the persisting bird attacks, and after a quick breath, she whispered something into Clint’s ruby red ear. Suddenly! Oh, LAWD! Suddenly, the horse sprouted massive wings! And took to the sky, Gabriella gripping his back! She dodged some attacks, and wielded her staff, shooting a laser of flame into the feathered fucks. They ignited and called one last dying cry before hastily dropping to death. She took out many of them.

Queen Carmeillia watched this with sudden enrage. Such sudden, gripping rage that without much warning, BOOM, she sprung into the massive Crow (much larger than the ones enslaved upon her) and with several strokes, she was in the air for her sister!

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