Saturday, January 15, 2011


A full North attack followed, and we took down all in our path. Davidio slung those arrows so quickly, his movements looked almost a blur! And Katerose’s blade did in fact work! A unit of deranged men, all cloaked in black, charged! She simply held up the glitter guard, and they stopped, staring in a hypnotic trance. Domino charged over to the derailed attackers and crashed into them like bowling pins. His hooves did the rest, and the whole thing looked like one of his signature dances. He hooved the men into a bloody mess, and the red sputtered about the snow like one of those more modern contractions that people use to water their yards.

Still, our forces were taking much a blow. So much, that a sudden cry alerted all of us on the ground! Those birds were falling from the sky like great balls of fire. KiKeck’s ice bombs continued to strobe a light and then freeze all in its path. And don’t think the North Soldiers passed with ease on our statued men—no, oh no, they punched them to pieces. But yes, the cry! We looked over and saw Davidio on the ground! He clutched his stomach while his life spilled from between his fingers. Whoever could, for we were under constant attack, rushed over. I was one of them, as was Mact who batted the North Guard responsible for Davidio’s blow.

There, just in the distance, was those glowing lights. The fireflies! They swarmed closer and closer, like a massive red cloud. Queen Carmiella, that black bitch of crow, eyed them approaching on her pursuit of her sister (who still had not realized she was being targeted). She stopped and extended her beak to an abnormal opening and Cawwwwwwed so mighty, a piercing blue light shot out! Right for the firefly aide. The blast hit them all, and very quickly the red glowing lights all turned to flakes of snow and gently dropped on the tops of our heads. When we returned to our fallen mate, his eyes were cold. And there was nothing for us to do besides fight, for another force flank pursued.

More and more crows sprang from the corners of the world, and descended upon our Sky Queen Gabriella. She dodged and shot, and honestly went unchallenged by the mere birds (although they were quite constant in their attempts). OH, I cannot forget to mention Clint! What a wonder that horse was, for just like his Queen’s staff, he spit out a burst of flames from his mouth! Like the Island Dragons! Queen Carmiella remained in the sky, watching only watching. She would want a fair battle with her sister, and couldn’t swoop in at that moment.

On the ground, I turned to face McCullot (who had just slashed down some Goldens). Our eyes met up, his face soaked in the blood of our allies. With my flame sword up (and heating my bony hands), I raced over to him. He blocked my strikes with much ease. And it wasn’t long before he snuck in a slice on my arm. I dropped my sword, and it immediately shrank to its knife size. McCullot kicked me in my chest, and I stumbled to the ground. He approached. This was it, I thought. My time finished. At least I wouldn’t be subjected to the Queen’s wrath! I mustered up my strength to stand, but he knocked me to my knees, and held up both his blades against my neck, crossed. I guess decapitation would be a way to go. Just as he was about to end me, Mact shouted and knocked into McCullot!

McCullot and Mact dueled off in a clanking of the blades. I gripped my arm, swiped up my blade (which thankfully regrew), and attacked those still charging. BOOMMMMMMMM. The Bridge Trolls had finally made an appearance and mustered up some speed. They nearly took out our own forces (for they had the worst vision), but rushed past us to where KiKeck’s carriage was. Being a Troll (especially one with Bridge Duty) is nothing glamorous. They’re incredibly droll characters, and so it was such a blow when one of them charged straight into avalanching ice ball. He froze instantly in his place! Enraged, his brother raised his club and batted away the approaching grenades. It was only later that we realized the magic of the balls could only affect its victims when they touched flesh. Such a massive club did clobber those balls a great distance away (some bombed the North troops!).

McCullot and Mact still went at it. A fair match, sure, for the most part. Mact had the upper hand and managed to knock loose one of McCullot’s twin blades. Just as I turned to see, an arrow from the North shot so fiercely it bit into Mact’s thigh (right in the gap of his armor!). Mact grimaced in pain and reached for his wound. McCullot wasted no time and with a dramatic spin move, he shoved his sword straight through the golden armor, and straight through Mact’s chest. He sank to his knees, spitting up blood. McCullot approached and pulled off Mact’s crown and helmet. Mact remained wincing, still oozing up blood. McCullot placed the golden crown on top of his own head and quickly shut his eyes.

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