Saturday, January 15, 2011


Queen Katerose somehow kept a smile throughout the battle, and she turned beaming (really) and saw her brother there. Her face dropped, and she charged. Domino screamed after her, and for the most dramatic effect, picture this in slowmotion.

McCullot opened his eyes and speared his sword once again in the chest of the Tetop King. He turned to face the Queen with her hooved guardian and smiled. Mact dropped to the snow lifeless. Katerose screamed with tears already streaming, making the glitter a smudged mess on her face. Domino held her back, for he knew it would not end well, and the constant pursuit of North attackers forced them back to battle.

Up in the sky, Queen Gabriella (with the amazing help of Clint) shot down the last of the crows. She turned and there! The massive Crow-Queen flew with much force, right for her.

“What have you become, sister!?” Queen Gabriella shouted (yes, it was quite audible from down below). Carmiella said nothing, but swiped at her. Both missed constantly, for it was well-matched standoff.

Just then, though! The bird morphed into her human form! Yes, Queen Carmiella floated there in all her shiny glory with a smirk that could truly be haunting. Gabriella witnessed what her sister had become, and nearly began to cry. Carmiella said nothing. And for a second, it was a peaceful silence up there...the only sound the clanking and clashing of the battle beneath them.

“Your betrayal, Sister, is much offensive, and therefore, punishable by only death,” Queen Carmiella hissed. Gabriella targeted her staff blast suddenly, and it nearly missed her sister. It was certainly a close call. Queen Carmiella lost her smirk and with eyes widened, she extended her hands out and shot a quick spark from the tips.

Suddenly!! Clint went berserk. He flapped away chaotically, as Gabriella gripped to keep on. His wings suddenly began to freeze! And then, finally, the ice began to take over his entire body. Gabriella quickly whispered into his ear, but there was nothing that could cure such a curse. The heavy ice steed soon plummeted to the ground, Gabriella still on him!

It looked like a white star falling, as he crashed into the Earth! There was a white light, very bright, that was again distracting. I lost my breath, thinking my Queen dead!

Just as I tried to rush over, I saw Katerose escape Dom’s arms and charge at McCullot! She swiped at him, but he heard her approach and blocked it. Now, with both of his swords intact, he swung and clanked against her chunky sword. Domino trotted over and swung at him too. Two against one, each one battling one of McCullot’s swift swords.
He kicked Queen Katerose to the ground, and elbowed Dom to the side. With one quick movement, McCullot’s blade sliced right down on Domino’s hooves!! He screamed so loud, that I nearly lost my life for I turned mid-fight. Katerose dropped her sword and raced to him. She held him up, and began to cry.

“Please, I beg you.” she mustered at the persistent attacker. McCullot raised his swords, and just on the brink of dealing some death, there was a great shout from behind (on the West side, where a great many snow mounds rested).

“Mothhhhaaaaa Fucccckkkkassss!” Laurp screamed! She had a sword, and a Golden Viking Helmet on her straightened black hair.

McCullot turned and snickered at the lone warrior. Just then! A small army of abused dolls marched behind Laurp!

“Attack!” she shouted and led the dolls down the hill. Don’t under-estimate such violated toys. They’re pissed as hell! Why they aided Laurp is still a surprise to me, yet I’m quite thankful. The force never seemed to stop charging down the snow hills.

McCullot sliced the first batch like pesky insects, but soon, they overtook him (for there was many-many of those things), and before you knew it, the vicious dolls brought him down. Nothing could be seen beneath the fidgeting pile. Then, a scream of death! Laurp just stood there, leaning on her sword with a great smile.

The dolls parted to reveal McCullot’s body in pieces! I still get ill recalling such graphicness.

Queen Carmiella heard the cry instantly, for at that time she had landed beside her sister. She flew over quickly. Saw her lover there, broken and ripped. She went ballistic. She stared deeply at the dolls (some were stupid enough to attack!) and with one gaze, they all froze dead in their places. Laurp started to laugh, wildy, and quite maddening. Carmiella turned to her, and in a split second was before her in a flash of movement. Her face began to tremble, to shake as she gripped Laurp’s shoulders. Laurp didn’t even fight! With one sudden jerk, Laurp was fired straight into the sky! She missiled up like a comet, and just before she left our world for that of the Stars, we heard her shout, “Cheeeeeaaahhh Petttttsss!” And there was a sudden blast as she disappeared above us.

Gabriella looked up to the blast in the sky. She was pinned beneath Clint’s frozen body. Her eyes flickered and she let out a great breath. Her staff was split, and much damage had been done to her body. She forced herself free, very slowly, for this whole moment was surely a haze. She petted Clint’s face, and suddenly a tiny crack snipped on his head, then like a current, the cracks slithered all over his body until BOOM, the horse was no more but pieces of shattered ice. Gabriella wept, but wiped her tears away. She pulled herself up, gathered her now half-staff and looked at the damage on the battlefield. There was still much fighting. She looked just down, beside her pieces and saw Davidio there. Her head dropped. She had to finish this, it was certain in that moment.

The lone Bridge Troll continued his destruction until he reached the carriage housing those bombs! KiKeck was slipping in and out of conscious (for surely, she was wasted!), and just before the Troll made it to her, she collapsed into the snowground, facedown, I should add. He lifted the carriage and tossed it far, far away! Thankfully, for those bombs did wipe out a lot of our force! I turned back to where Queen Carmiella was now collapsed, with our back to us. She had dropped to the ground, and ice tears had snuck from her eyes.

Much of the North forces were slowly being overtaken. And the remaining stragglers of the Goldens and Natives approached the awaiting Queen. Sethicus rushed over, certainly torn from the war. He saw Mact there, his friend. Saw the damage done onto Domino. Saw all the death. He rushed forward.

“Fight me!” he screamed, and pulled off his helmet! Queen Carmiella slowly stood, still with her back to us. She pulled off her black cloak to reveal that shiny ice armor. That skinny sword of ice was at her side. She pulled it up, and turned with it pointing.

“You? You challenge me?” she laughed, no cackled, to herself.

And with that, she purged her sword into the snow, and then! Soaked through the white floor was the snakey colors of Blue and Yellow slithering for him. We had not seen such magic before, and knew not how to react. Suddenly, the colors touched his boot, and up they trailed his body, paralyzing him. As the colors licked and licked, ice followed behind, until suddenly the general was nothing but an iced board game piece. His mighty sword ready to strike would do nothing now. Carmiella snatched her sword and approached slowly, grinning the whole time.

She was now face to face with him (and all we could do was watch, as cowardly as that sounds, for we knew there was nothing that could defeat her). And just as she reared back her blade, there was a shout!

“Sister!” Gabriella was there, in her torn red gown, and her staff too!

Carmiella hesitated. “Oh, so you do survive. What a blessing, truly, for I want to see the life ooze out of your eyes.”

And with that, Gabriella outstretched her staff and shot a fire light at her. And in that instance, Carmiella mirrored the attack, and there were lasers of ice and fire eating each other.

“You are foolish, my sister, quite foolish” Carmiella said and quickly closed her eyes.

Gabriella was holding on, for like I mentioned before, she was extremely weakened from the fall. She squint her eyes and mustered up her strength. But then, just beside here was Kyok! The merman, her first love! He outstretched his hand to her! Carmeilla had created the distraction (for it was certainly easy for her to do), and it was working! Her ice beam was devouring the flames, inching closer and closer to Gabriella!

But then, just then, a lone Rebecca charged from behind the Queen! He bit into Carmellia’s leg! She screamed in pain and jerked down, and just then, Kyok evaporated, and Gabriella turned back. She screamed and shot with all her might, the most powerful fire surge! It swallowed the ice until BOOM it shot the evil Queen against a nearby tree trunk. She was pinned against the icy bark, unable to move. She gasped for breath as we approached. Gabriella led the way, worn and torn from the bloody battle.

Carmiella was dying, it was certain. Her powers had been outmatched. She outstretched her hand, her porcelain hand to her sister. Gabriella picked up the ice sword, and said nothing before penetrating the blade through Carmiella’s body. There was a great trembling of the land, much like today’s quakes, and suddenly, the Great Evil Queen of the North was a figure of ice, embedded in a lonely, black tree.

Our Goldens (what remained of them) cheered and hollered, for the North was finally defeated. Still, much sadness had invaded our hearts. And Gabriella was affected most.

She returned to our awaiting faces. And saw Sethicus there, frozen. She hung her head, the tears flowing. What a damaging day. She approached him and all went silent. She placed her hands on his face, and closed her eyes. Slowly, the ice melted. And it melted. And melted until there, he was alive! How Hollywood for them to kiss (for they did—and everyone cheered!). Yet, finally. After much loss, there seemed to be something to be happy about. The Evil Queen was no more. Peace, or something like that, had been restored.

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